Dave Clausen
A few projects that happen to have some documentation:
Das Blinken Top Hat
- A light-up party hat
QRSS Beacon
- A 100mW transmitter heard 'round the world
- An iPhone 3GS charger
Bluetooth Star Trek Communicator
- Kirk to Enterprise...
LED Umbrella
- A grow light for cubicle grass.
LED Cylinder
- A groovy objet d'art.
24th Anniversary Macintosh
- A Mac 512k upgraded to run OS X.
Audio Oscilloscope
- An simple oscilloscope using an 8x16 LED matrix as a display.
- An IEEE-754 floating-point library for small Java devices.
AVR Ethernet
- Design of a microcontroller-based Ethernet messaging device.
Java Hacks
- Some little Java programming tricks.